The Upper Elementary Student Concerts, part of the Harry and Cora Sue Mach Student Concert Series are 50-minute, full orchestra concerts, presented in Jones Hall during the school day for students in grade 4-5. Students will hear the Houston Symphony perform and learn about the orchestra, with the goal of inspiring students to play an instrument. These concerts facilitate students’ acquisition of active listening skills.

Capacity has been reached for all concerts. Please register for the waitlist, as spaces may come available. Be sure to register for all possible concerts your group can attend.

What will students experience when they attend an Upper Elementary Concert?

The 2024-25 season of Upper Elementary Student Concerts will provide an introduction to the orchestra for its 4th and 5th grade attendees. Together we will explore each family of the orchestra and how they work together to produce interesting and diverse sounds. We will also explore the concept of "musical opposites," giving the opportunity for students to identify differences in dynamics and articulation.

Learn more about these concerts with our Spotify playlist


Please contact or 713-238-1480.  

To sign up for registration email reminders for our 2024-25 Harry and Cora Sue Mach Student Concert Series, please email your name, title, school, and school district to  

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Houston Symphony
Houston Symphony