Confessions of a gulit-ridden classical music lover

Confessions of a gulit-ridden classical music lover

Dear Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Stravinsky and all of the other great composer “Gods”:

I come to you a musical sinner. It has been … er… a while since my last confession.  I have sinned because I have listened to a variety of Top 40 radio stations every day for a really long time, and, well, um … I really like it.  I know, I know … I’m supposed to listen to NPR and know every symphony and opera and concerto ever performed on the face of the planet.  But I don’t because I’m too busy listening to today’s top hits.  I’m sorry … I guess.

But you have to understand, I just can’t tear myself away from it!  I have fond memories of rocking out to No Doubt as a teenager.  My husband and I happen to love the newest Ludacris album — those beats! Those rhymes!  Lady Antebellum, it is a quarter after one and I really do need you now!  It is a bad romance and you shouldn’t be plagued by the Papa-paparazzi Lady Gaga!

… Sorry … what was I saying?  Oh yes …

Surely you can understand why I’m torn.  I like to think that I’m just a harmless rebel.  I can have my classical music cake and eat it too, just with a decadent layer of modern pop/rap/country/techno goodness on top.  I promise, I love classical music and it is definitely part of my soul.  I guess I just can’t be completely faithful to the genre.  And really, is that a bad thing?  You were a bit of a rebel yourself, Stravinksy. And Mozart, you were kind of like the Jonas brother of your day, with your child prodigy-ness.  Right?

OK, so all I am saying, oh composer “Gods”, is that I like all music.  I can’t help it.  Generally music helps me to express myself a whole lot better than words can.  Sometimes I’m in the mood to listen to a Rachmaninov piano concerto, while other times I’m more in the mood to dance in my car to the newest Beyonce hit.  Does that really make me a musical sinner?  Honestly, I don’t think so.  Hopefully, you all see my argument and can understand.  If not, I guess I will just be forced to go listen to rehearsal as “penance”.

Ha!  As if that is really a punishment … looks like the joke is on you!

One slightly-guilt-ridden classical music lover

6 responses to “Confessions of a gulit-ridden classical music lover

  1. I confess that I love the pop hits of the 60s. Beatles or Beethoven? It depends on my mood.

  2. I confess that I love the pop hits of the 60s. Beatles or Beethoven? It depends on my mood.

  3. If you asked me to name any pop tunes from 1960 to 2010, I would not be able to. I’m addicted to classical, but that’s just me. Other than NPR, are there any other radio stations out there? I didn’t know that.

  4. If you asked me to name any pop tunes from 1960 to 2010, I would not be able to. I’m addicted to classical, but that’s just me. Other than NPR, are there any other radio stations out there? I didn’t know that.

    1. I’m with Jaime. I don’t really find anything appealing about pop/rock/country music, and I don’t consider rap to be music. I’m not a musician, but I’ve only listened to classical music all my life. I doubt I will every change.

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