Telemann’s Canonic Sonata No. 1 for Student Musicians

Telemann’s Canonic Sonata No. 1 for Student Musicians

Community-Embedded Musicians Patricia Quintero, violin, and Alexa Thomson, viola, invite student musicians to try out this piece!

Alexa Thomson, viola: The Telemann Canonic Sonata No. 1 is one of our favorites to perform for audiences across Houston, and we loved the challenge of putting this together from different locations while social distancing. We have included the music below for student musicians interested in learning this piece. Try learning this on your own, and then play along with a classmate when school resumes. This music can be played by any treble instrument in C (violin, flute, and oboe). We included the music an octave below in alto clef if any violists are interested, as well. It worked well for me!

Please note that this is a Class 1 UIL ensemble selection for violin, flute, and oboe. . While it’s not technically a viola piece, it would certainly be a class 1 type of challenge if it were included on that list for viola. If this is a new level for you, it’s a good idea to check with your teacher for recommendations about Class 2–6 pieces to check out to help you work up to this.

We also encourage you to play this at a slower tempo and slowly work up to the tempo that Patricia and I used to perform this piece.

Sheet music:

Patricia Quintero, violin: If you have worked up this piece and are up for the challenge of playing this at the tempo that Alexa and I took, I’d love for you to play along with me on the video below! Like Alexa’s entrance in the first video, you will start from the beginning of the music after I play the first measure (come in when I get to beat two of the second measure).

Want to experiment with slowing down the video to slowly get up to Patricia’s speed? Find instructions here, but please note that the quality of video sound using this method will be impacted!

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