We hope you’re having a blast at our free Miller Outdoor Theatre concerts – and now we want to see the experience through your eyes! Through July 11, submit your photos from those concerts (including both concerts this weekend, and the July 4th ExxonMobil Star-Spangled Salute) to our OH SNAP! photo contest. By doing so, you’ll have the chance to win ticket vouchers to one of next season’s concerts, as well as be featured on our website, in SymphonE-News and right here on the blog! Enter to win in one – or all – of the categories: Best performance shot*, best family/friends shot, best fireworks shot**, best venue shot and best audience shot. Photos can be portrait style or abstract … just let your imagination guide your eye!
All you have to do to enter the contest is join the Houston Symphony Flickr Group, add a photo to the group pool and tag it with OhSnap!PhotoContest. The deadline for submissions is July 11, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. CST. For more detailed instructions on entering the contest and to read the rules and regulations, please visit us online. For other questions, it’s as easy as sending an e-mail over to photocontest@houstonsymphony.org.
We can’t wait to see all of the entries — there have been some great ones so far. Happy snapping and we’ll see you on the hill!
*Please note there is NO flash photography permitted while the Orchestra is performing.
**There will be a fireworks display only at the July 4th ExxonMobil Star-Spangled Salute concert.