Happy Thanksgiving from the Houston Symphony!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Houston Symphony!

What is the Houston Symphony thankful for this year? We surveyed our musicians and staff to find out! From being back in Jones Hall after Hurricane Harvey to playing great music for you, we have a lot to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us onstage and behind-the-scenes.


The new Rhodes residence!

“So much—for getting through the hurricane without problems when so many others were devastated; for working with marvelous colleagues in the orchestra; for my work with the Houston Brass Band.”

Robert Walp, Assistant Principal Trumpet
Sponsored by Dr. Gary L. Hollingsworth & Dr. Kenneth J. Hyde

“First year as a wife, homeowner and manager!”

—Ragan Rhodes, Manager of Education and Community Programming

“I am most thankful for the love of my family and friends and the privilege of sharing my musical life with my students, colleagues and the wonderful public who supports us.”

Jarita’s new dog!

William VerMeulen, Principal Horn
Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Alexander K. McLanahan

“My new baby boy, Osian Conley!”

Megan Conley, Principal Harp
Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Fredric A. Weber

“An awesome dog that I adopted post Harvey—the shelters really needed help with fostering and adopting animals.”

Jarita Ng, Viola


Brinton’s dogs chow down on Thanksgiving dinner.

“At Thanksgiving, we always let our two dogs eat at the table. Since they aren’t good at waiting their turn, they eat first!”

Brinton Averil Smith, Principal Cello
Janice and Thomas Barrow Chair
Sponsored by Cornelia & Meredith Long

“Every Thanksgiving morning, my family wakes up early to tune-in and watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade from NYC. We cook, drink coffee and watch until the very end of the Parade when Santa Claus comes out to usher in the Christmas holidays!”

—Irma M. Carrillo, Development Manager, Gifts and Records

“I’m not sure if this is appropriate, but honestly, we do a ceremonial shot of tequila at all family events.”

—Sarah Rendón, Assistant Manager of Patron Services

“Cooking and eating with friends and loved ones. Oh, and recently—the Turkey Trot!”

Robin Kesselman, Principal Double Bass
Sponsored by Ralph Burch

“I’m from Canada, so I go out with friends for turkey dinner on the second Monday of October. There aren’t a lot of places in Houston where you can find turkey on a weekday in October. This is also part of the charm. Happy Thanksgiving, indeed.”

Sheldon Person, Viola
Sponsored by Scott & Judy Nyquist


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